
Currently I don't think I have very much to present that is interesting to the Wicket community, unless you guys are interested in relational variants of classical mechanics. :-) I've been kinda busy trying to write my physics master's thesis...

On the other hand, what *are* people interested in having presented? If there is something that I feel is within my Wicket skills, who knows. :-)


Martijn Dashorst wrote:
I see that you haven't volunteered yet to present something.


On 3/18/08, Sebastiaan van Erk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Since it's pretty close, I was wondering if there is anything known about:

 1) what time does it start?
 2) what presentations are being held?



 Martijn Dashorst wrote:
 > Yes, it is tuesday april 8th.
 > Martijn
 > On 3/18/08, Uwe Schäfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >> hi
 >>  is there a definite Date for the Meetup in Amsterdam, yet?
 >>  At least people from abroad might have to plan for it, make/move Dates,
 >>  book trains etc., so that it would be nice to have a Date people agreed
 >>  upon soon.
 >>  cu uwe
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