should be listItem.add(pn/rp)

also in the future it helps a lot if you paste the stacktrace


On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 11:33 AM, Bruce McGuire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello.
>  I have a panel that contains a form, which contains a list view with two
>  items, a label and a button. I have tried a gajillion different
>  combinations, but I keep getting the "unable to find component" error.
>  Any hints that you can provide would be HUGELY appreciated.
>  The panel markup is:
>             <wicket:panel>
>                   <form wicket:id="prf">
>                         <div wicket:id="uPages">
>                               <span wicket:id="pn"></span>
>                               <input wicket:id="rmvPage" type="submit"
>  value="Remove" />
>                         </div>
>                   </form>
>                   <form wicket:id="paf">
>                         <input wicket:id="name" type="text"></input>
>                         <input wicket:id="addPage" type="submit" value="Add
>  Page" />
>                   </form>
>             </wicket:panel>
>  The code for the panel and so on is:
>       public PageManagePanel(String id)
>       {
>             super(id) ;
>             add(new PageRemoveForm("prf"));
>             add(new PageAddForm("paf")) ;
>       }
>  PageRemoveForm:
>       public PageRemoveForm(String id)
>       {
>             super(id, Page.class);
>             uPages = Utility.getUnassignedPages() ;
>             unassignedPages = new ListView("uPages", uPages)
>             {
>                   private static final long serialVersionUID = 200803188L;
>                   protected void populateItem(ListItem listItem)
>                   {
>                         final Page curPage = (Page)listItem.getModelObject()
>  ;
>                         Label pn = new Label("pn", curPage.getName()) ;
>                         Button rp = new Button("rmvPage")
>                         {
>                               private static final long serialVersionUID =
>  20080319L;
>                               public void onSubmit()
>                               {
>                                     Utility.removePage(curPage);
>                               }
>                         };
>                         add(pn) ;
>                         add(rp) ;
>                   }
>                   public boolean isVisible()
>                   {
>                         if (uPages.isEmpty())
>                         {
>                               return (false) ;
>                         }
>                         return (true);
>                   }
>             };
>             add(unassignedPages) ;
>       }
>  PageAddForm:
>       public PageAddForm(String id)
>       {
>             super(id, Page.class);
>             newPage = new TextField("name") ;
>             addPage = new Button("addPage") ;
>             add(newPage) ;
>             add(addPage) ;
>       }
>       @Override
>       protected void onSubmit()
>       {
>             super.onSubmit() ;
>             clearPersistentObject() ;
>       }

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