Slight correction:

With IRequestCycleSettings.ONE_PASS_RENDER  most form submits seem to work
except in the case of continueToOriginalDestination... Everything else still


On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 6:09 PM, Jeremy Levy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have been having trouble with this for a couple of months, it seems that
> redirects in Wicket 1.3.x seem to be writing out the URL incorrectly in
> our set up.
> We are running JBoss 4.2 with embedded Tomcat 5.5 using Apache/2.2.4 with
> mod_proxy.
> The Tomcat URL for the application is http://localhost:8080/web/
> The Apache URL for the application is http://localhost
> For the most part the site works well when accessed via Apache (and
> perfectly directly via Tomcat), except on links/urls that involve (from what
> I can tell) a redirect from Wicket.  These redirect the users browser to
> /web/xxxx which shouldn't happen from infront of the proxy.
> Examples of this are:
> 1. Form submits (they go through, but the next page is requested with the
> /web in the url)
> 2. Redirects from Application.getHomePage()
> 3. Any use of RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException
> 4. setResponsePage(MyPage.class) inside of an 
> Link.onClick(BookmarkablePageLink works fine to the same page)
> Further evidence that this is a bug is that if I set my application to
> IRequestCycleSettings.ONE_PASS_RENDER everything works perfectly but with
> both IRequestCycleSettings.REDIRECT_TO_BUFFER and
> IRequestCycleSettings.REDIRECT_TO_RENDER it fails.
> Our mod_proxy / virtualhost configuration:
> <VirtualHost *>
>         ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         ServerAlias localhost
>         ServerSignature On
>         DocumentRoot "/var/www"
>         ProxyRequests Off
>         <Proxy *>
>                 Order deny,allow
>                 Allow from all
>         </Proxy>
>         RewriteEngine on
>         RewriteLog "/var/log/apache2/rewrite.log"
>         RewriteLogLevel 2
>         ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/web/
>         ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/web/
>         ProxyPassReverseCookiePath  /web /
>         ProxyPreserveHost On
>         ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
>         LogLevel warn
> </VirtualHost>
> I'm not 100% sure that the mod_proxy configuration is correct, but I've
> read all the articles on this list about it as well as the wiki page and
> have run out of ideas to mess with.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Jeremy

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