
More than a few times, I've been bitten by a problem with double quote
characters when I copy Wicket tags from the WIA PDF into to HTML editor of
my IDE (NetBeans).

In the NetBeans editor, the copied double-quote characters display with a
slight tilt to the right (the "normal" double quotes display as two vertical
lines). So, they are a different type of character, but NetBeans editor
renders them fine. And I think the browser (firefox) parses them ok.

But when the webapp is run, Wicket gives the following error..

    The wicket:id attribute value must not be empty. May be unmatched

And here, you can see the display of the double-quote characters (in the
browser error page).

       <a href=”#” wicket:id=”registerLink”>Register</a>

To fix this, I just go delete the double quotes in the NetBeans editor and
re-type them.
I realize this is probably some kind of font issue, but if there is a way to
address this, it would save some people frustration.
This is not a big deal, but if someone understands the issue, it might help
some of us avoid this.

Then again, if it's not obvious what the problem is, "if it hurts, don't do
it" might be a reasonable response.
Probably not worth spending any time on investigating.


Phil Grimm
Mobile: (858) 335-3426
Skype: philgrimm336

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