On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 1:41 PM, Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael
> Hmm, if you remove that you will get into trouble. At least I got, thats
>  why I put it in there in the first place..
>  Problem was when I had entites that were managed between pages.. Eg if
>  you go to pageA and your pet Class loads here, then go to pageB which
>  does some changes to pet and then saves it. It caused some entity not
>  managed exceptions..

In the moment my test application is still in the infant stages, but
even when it has
more functionality, it will be mostly reporting (reading) and hardly
any data manipulation.

But (i talk as a total greenhorn here, most my knowledge come from
'wicket in Action'
and this list) should this not be handleable by DetachedModels?

regards, and thanks for your blog example. it helped me a lot

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