that's because Link only adds the onclick event handler for non anchor tags
and browser only do the cursor and status bar thing for anchor tags by

you already fixed the cursor issue and you can write text to the status bar
window.status = "foo", although this doesn't work in IE7 and only somehow in
opera and konqueror.

i suggest you wrap the image with an anchor tag and attach the Link
to that.


On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 7:15 PM, Dan Kaplan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> Yesterday I tried adding a new Link() to an <img> tag.  I noticed that
> when
> you hover over the image the cursor doesn't change and the status bar
> doesn't say anything.  I bet 9 times out of 10 you wouldn't want this
> behavior.  I already fixed the cursor problem with CSS, how do I make the
> status bar display the right thing on hover?
> BTW, should I file this under a request for improvement?
> Thanks,
> Dan

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