It can cause all kinds of problems, even ones you can not see
immediately, like with forms or other layout problems. If it's invalid
then it's invalid. Not all browsers can cope with that.


On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 10:54 PM, Marco Aurélio Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually, it works with span also on IE, it only not works if  the span is
>  inside the <p> tag
>  On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 5:35 PM, Matej Knopp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It can not be <span>. Span is an inline element so you can't put block
>  > element such as divs inside span. That is invalid markup and it
>  > confuses browsers.
>  >
>  > -Matej
>  >
>  > On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 10:22 PM, Marco Aurélio Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  > wrote:
>  > > Hi all
>  > >
>  > >  I found a bug in ModalWindow of wicket 1.2.6. If the markup of
>  > modalwindow
>  > >  is inside a tag p, the modal doesn't work on IE6 and IE7.
>  > >  I wrote a CMS componente where the user can insert links on the page.
>  > If
>  > >  user insert a link that is a popup inside a tag <p> </p> the popup
>  > doesn't
>  > >  open. This is what I can see on ajax debbuger:
>  > >
>  > >  *INFO: *
>  > >  *INFO: *
>  > >  Initiating Ajax GET request on
>  > >
>  >  
> /myapp/app/?wicket:interface=:3:cms:p:body:content:cont:right:cont:right:cont:right:cont:right:cont:right:cont:right:cont:right:cont:right:cont:right:cont:link:buttonContainer:lis:cont:link::IBehaviorListener&wicket:behaviorId=0&random=
>  > >  0.4619706830869044
>  > >  *INFO: *Invoking pre-call handler(s)...
>  > >  *INFO: *Received ajax response (1937 characters)
>  > >  *INFO: *
>  > >  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ajax-response><component
>  > >
>  >  
> id="cms_p_body_content_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_link_buttonContainer_lis_cont_modalWindowRepeater"
>  > >  ><![CDATA[<span style="display:none"
>  > >
>  >  
> id="cms_p_body_content_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_link_buttonContainer_lis_cont_modalWindowRepeater">
>  > >
>  > >     <div
>  > 
> id="cms_p_body_content_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_link_buttonContainer_lis_cont_modalWindowRepeater_content">
>  > >
>  > >  <object width="425" height="355"><param value="
>  > >
>  > >  " name="movie"></param><param name="wmode"
>  > >  value="transparent"></param><embed width="425" height="355"
>  > >  type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="
>  > >";></embed></object>
>  > >  </div>
>  > >  </span>]]></component><evaluate><![CDATA[var element =
>  > >  document.getElementById
>  > >
>  >  
> ("cms_p_body_content_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_right_cont_link_buttonContainer_lis_cont_modalWindowRepeater_content");
>  > >  var settings = new Object();
>  > >  settings.minWidth=200;
>  > >  settings.minHeight=200;
>  > >  settings.className="w_blue";
>  > >  settings.width="448";
>  > >  settings.height="355";
>  > >  settings.resizable=false;
>  > >  settings.widthUnit="px";
>  > >  settings.heightUnit="px";
>  > >  settings.element = element;
>  > >  settings.mask="semi-transparent";
>  > >  settings.onClose
>  > >   = function() { var
>  > >
>  >  
> wcall=wicketAjaxGet('/myapp/app/?wicket:interface=:3:cms:p:body:content:cont:right:cont:right:cont:right:cont:right:cont:right:cont:right:cont:right:cont:right:cont:right:cont:link:buttonContainer:lis:cont:modalWindowRepeater::IBehaviorListener&wicket:behaviorId=1',
>  > >  function() { }, function() { }); };
>  > >  Wicket.Window.create(settings).show();
>  > >  ]]></evaluate></ajax-response>
>  > >  *INFO: *Response parsed. Now invoking steps...
>  > >  *ERROR: *Error while parsing response: Unknow runtimer error.
>  > >  *INFO: *Invoking post-call handler(s)...
>  > >  *INFO: *Invoking failure handler(s)...
>  > >
>  > >  What I found out is that the error only happens if the markup of modal
>  > >  window is a SPAN. If I use a DIV, the modal works fine. Unfortunately I
>  > >  can't use DIV because DIV cause line break, and this break the layout
>  > of my
>  > >  page. I tried to debug the javascript, but is a lot of lines and the JS
>  > >  debugger of IE didn't help. Can anyone help me?
>  > >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > --
>  > Resizable and reorderable grid components.
>  >
>  >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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>  > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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>  >

Resizable and reorderable grid components.

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