
There is a strange behaviour when I'm trying refresh
WebMarkupContainer component using AjaxLink. I have a simple page:

public HomePage(final PageParameters parameters) {
    final WebMarkupContainer container = new WebMarkupContainer("container");
    add(new AjaxLink("ajaxLink") {

      public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {


        <title>AjaxLink test</title>
        <p wicket:id="container">
            <h4>Header A</h4>
            <a wicket:id="ajaxLink">Ajax request</a>

For the first time page is rendered as follows:
Header A
Ajax request

When I click "Ajax request" link the onClick metod is called to
refresh container component (which is WebMarkupContainer).
But instead of refreshing (repainting) of "container" markup (<p
wicket:id="container">...</p> markup), it is dupliacted below the
original paragraph. Each click on this ajax link causes this paragraph
multiplication and after eg. 4 clicks the page looks like:
Header A
Header A
Header A
Header A
Header A
Ajax request

Is it a bug or I should not use WebMarkupContainer to refresh its
contents in ajax calls?


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