Hi Matt, 

Thanks for your quick answer. Although in this simple case,  it is enough to 
only update the count label.  However in my application, it is necessary to 
update the whole region including the component initiating the ajax action. One 
scenario is that I've written a treetable component based on table structure, 
and it encloses ajax links used to expand/collpase tree nodes. In the event 
handler of thse links, I modify tree structure to satisfy node 
expanding/collapsing, and add the whole treetable component to the ajax request 
target for simplicity reason. 

>From your words, it seems that it is not safe to use Wicket Ajax this way. 
>However, my application uses this "pattern" extensively. Are there any other 
>approaches for my scenario?


Matthew Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: The problem is you are ajax updating 
this whole thing including the nested



it causes the wicket-ajax js stuff header contributed everytime the link is
clicked.  Open the ajax debug window to see.  This re-init wipe out the
postcallhandler install on page load so there is nothing there to call once
the link is clicked.

I cannot explain why you need to close and re-open the browser for this to
happen. It shouldn't work at all.  I'm sure Matej and Igor can explain.

Change your page to this and only ajax update the "count" then you have no




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