Hi Erik,

you might want to use IndexedPageParams, so you could do:

mount("/myPath", myForwardClass.class); in init;

the parameter with index 0 is the first one, the index 1 is second and so on, delimiteds are the ones by "/"


myapp.com/myPath/param0/param1/param2 ... and so on;

alternatively you can use 1 named param (here example) and have the real URLs be manipulated by replacing each "/" to some kind of letter that doesnt exist in your target-scheme, eg: "/" -> "_"

so you get myapp.com/myPath/example/mytarget_myfile.ending

-> your param "example" then holds "mytarget_myfile.ending" wich needs to be rechanged then;

the page itself might hold a simple Label that displays the content based on the params;

Hope that helps to get started,



Erik van Oosten schrieb:

I am looking for a way to serve many static images. It is important that
I do not have to separately register them (as with SharedResources, as I
understood) as there about 20.000 to 50.000 of them, and the set changes

The most obvious thing that comes to mind is a static resource that
takes parameters that are extracted from the URL (similar to Page). But
I could not find such a thing.

I am now considering implementing a servlet, but I'd rather stay within
the framework.


Erik van Oosten

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