On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 16:16:36 +0200
"Frank Bille" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> tester.createRequestCycle() (or something). Though I thought it was
> called for you in startPage. It's good that we will take a look at it
> for WNG.

Thanks for your answer!
I'm sorry, but I can't figure out how to use that call..
Now my testcase is

WicketTester c = new WicketTester();
c.startPage(new HomePage());

But I'm still getting "No requestCycle is currently set".. Before that, I have a

"there was an error cleaning up target [EMAIL PROTECTED] class = 
org.apache.wicket.util.tester.DummyHomePage, id = 1, version = 
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.link.ILinkListener.ILinkListener (request 
paramaters: [RequestParameters  componentPath=1:testPage pageMapName=null 
versionNumber=0 interfaceName=ILinkListener componentId=null behaviorId=null 
urlDepth=-1 parameters={} onlyProcessIfPathActive=false])."

Sorry for not mentioning this earlier :/

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