lars vonk wrote:

How is the "done" and "available" flag set in the Tld class by the
TldChecker? Since you are using a separate Thread that sets these flags :

/* Iterate over the tlds and instantiate a TldChecker */
for(Tld tld : tlds)
       e.execute(new TldChecker(tld, query)); // Args could be for
instance "com", and "mydomain"

The iteraton is called with synchronized(tlds) { ... } around, but maybe that's not enough? Should I wrap all calls to setXXX in TldChecker with a synchronized, or even put synchronized directly on the getters/setters of Tld?

Another thing is, (I am not sure about this) is that if the
Checkbox.isVisible method returns false wouldn't Wicket always complain
since there is HTML markup but no corresponding Java component?

When you do setVisible(false) on a component, the corresponding markup will be 
hidden. That's the beauty of it.

I know that getVisible() might be called multiple times during a page-render, so I'm beginning to think that maybe it returns false on the call that decides wether to include the markup, and then true later on, creating the mismatch in hiearachy. Does this sound plausible?

-- Edvin

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