Maurice Marrink wrote:
But this still does not fully support different versions of the lib.
So if one extension uses version 1.0 of javascript lib A and another
uses version 2.0, chances are you have a problem. because both
extensions call some api that might not be available or has changed in
the other version.

just my 2c,

True, thats just how the world is (I thought that went without saying, that if you override dependant js lib you could be in trouble). But chances are also that it just could work.. Some times the cup are half full and sometimes half empty..:)

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 6:24 PM, Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael
 Vitaly Tsaplin wrote:

  Isn't it often better to explicitly declare the list of javascript
libraries the component uses and let the user add this libraries to
the web content folder manually on his/her preferred location?

 I like that you package your component to run off the fly, and then you can
overide so that you yourself can put in javascript libs, just like the
prototip from minis, although I havent done this myself this gives full

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 4:51 PM, Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael

If you just need the javascript library, I also use header contribution.

 You can also take a look at wicket input events or datepicker etc...

 If you have your js files locally(in your project) you can use the
packagedRessource so it gets gziped..
 Vitaly Tsaplin wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 There are many usecases when it could be necessary to write some
javascript by hands directly in the html file. So I need to reference
the library I use in a head section of my html file. But having a
reusable component written in java which is depending on the same
javascript library I use a header contribution to inject a reference
to the library that I have somewhere in a java package. So what is the
preferred way to include a javascript library to a wicket project?


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 -Wicket for love

 Nino Martinez Wael
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 -Wicket for love

 Nino Martinez Wael
 Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
 +45 2936 7684

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-Wicket for love

Nino Martinez Wael
Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
+45 2936 7684

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