I think that your images div is overlapping the tab-row div.

You could try to *add margin-top: 45px;* in the #photos style [line 172 in
your style.css].

I am not sure if this will work since I see the first time the page loads
the tabs work... anyways, by changing those on the fly in my browser I
managed to get it working after clicking the navigator, as you need it to.

Hope this helps,
Cristi Manole

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 9:18 AM, Matthew Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a tabpanel.  After ajax update to a div inside the tab-panel, the
> tab
> stop working: rollover hover doesn't work, no reaction to click.  This
> only
> happen to Firefox both Windows and Linux. No problem with IE7, Opera or
> Safari.  You can see this in action here: "
>";.  Scroll to the bottom and
> click on the navigator.  This triggers an ajax update to a div inside the
> tab-panle div and the navigator itself.  After that, the tabs stop
> working.
> What is going on?

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