what happened when you called setRenderBodyOnly(false)?


On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Michael Mehrle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm just having too much fun with RadioGroups lately. I've got a
>  RadioGroup inside a panel, that's inside a modal. When clicking and
>  saving the form I get the following exception:
>  RROR RequestCycle] Ajax render cannot be called on component that has
>  setRenderBodyOnly enabled. Component: [MarkupContainer [Component id =
>  FooSchedule.intervalOfMonth, page =
>  com.bar.Foo.web.create.CreateFooPage, path =
>  6:FooTabbedPanel:panel:recurringFooModalWindow:content:submitForm:monthl
>  yLayer:FooSchedule.intervalOfMonth.RadioGroup, isVisible = true,
>  isVersioned = false]]
>  java.lang.IllegalStateException: Ajax render cannot be called on
>  component that has setRenderBodyOnly enabled. Component:
>  [MarkupContainer [Component id = FooSchedule.intervalOfMonth, page =
>  com.bar.Foo.web.create.CreateFooPage, path =
>  6:FooTabbedPanel:panel:recurringFooModalWindow:content:submitForm:monthl
>  yLayer:FooSchedule.intervalOfMonth.RadioGroup, isVisible = true,
>  isVersioned = false]]
>             at
>  org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.respondComponent(AjaxRequestTar
>  get.java:675)
>  I even tried to set setRenderBodyOnly(false), which didn't work.
>  Any input would be appreciated.
>  Thanks,
>  Michael

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