Am Mittwoch, 30. April 2008 08:29:10 schrieb Martin Makundi:

> Hi!
> Please give me an example:
> MyData myData = new MyData(name, address); // pseudo
> add(new Label("name", new PropertyModel(myData, "name"));
> add(new Label("address", new PropertyModel(myData, "address"));
> // now I have an ajax button or something...
> @Override
>         protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
>            int stateChangeKey = (Integer) thisGadget.getModelObject();
>            myData =
> ComplexBusinessLogicService.loadNewDataAccordingToState(stateChangeKey);
>         }

I normally do it the following way
At the highest entry point (page mostly)
MyBusinessModelWithoutWicketStuff myModel = Service.createTheBusinessModel();
CompoundPropertyModel model = new CompoundPropertyModel(myModel);
IModel pathToMySubModel = new PropertyModel(model, "property1");
MyPanel p1 = new MyPanel("id1", pathToMySubModel);
IModel pathToMyDeepestModel = 
                  new PropertyModel(pathToMySubModel, "deepestModel");
MyPanel p2 = new MyPanel("id2", pathToMyDeepestModel);
and so on.

I imagine myself the connected property models as a path to my data.
Only the highest level component has the business instance set. All others 
simply get the path to it.

> Now you mean if I wrap the myData into an IModel I do not need to
> change anything else except the first line:
> MyData myData = new MyData(name, address); // pseudo
> IModel myDataIModel = new MyIModel(myData);
> and replace it in the property models? Wow. So PropertyModel will be
> smart enough here on its own.
Simply try it. It works great.


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