Hello smallufo:

the onclick and the onbeforerender methods will be called if page is presented 
(or immidiatly before). But this
>   myLink.add(new Image("hexagramImage" , new
> ResourceReference(MyObject.class , "icons/byIndex/"+ new
> PropertyModel(model,"index").getObject().toString()+".gif")));  //FAILED
will be called at custruction time of page. So there could be two possible 
causes for your problem.
1st: the bean which is assigned to panel model is null or 
2nd: the index in that bean is null.
1st solution: Assign a bean - if not possible make getMyObjectFromInts 
null-aware and return a "default-image"
2nd solution: Assign a standard value for index (int = 0)

I hope i got the issue - if not please ask again :-)

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