I admit all the swarm examples got a bit intertwined, and i am
planning on fixing this as soon as i can find some time :)
In the mean time you could take a look at
http://cwiki.apache.org/WICKET/acegi-and-wicket-auth-roles.html the
swarm example is basically based on that.
Or if you have some specific questions regarding the swarm-acegi
coupling i can try and answer them.


On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 4:40 PM, David Nedrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm adding Acegi support to a Wicket project, but have been completely
> unable to get all the pieces correct. One of the main problems is that there
> appears to be no standalone example available. The acegi-security examples
> are awful, since all thirty of the samples are mixed with each other and
> re-use components, needlessly complicating each example. IE., there's no way
> to see what is actually required for a specific example.
>  The online guides
> (eg.http://wicketstuff.org/confluence/display/STUFFWIKI/Swarm+and+Acegi+HowTo
> ) refer to existing mixed examples without providing a full sample.
>  Has anyone seen an Acegi+Wicket example that is:
>  1) Targeted at implementing Acegi in Wicket
>  2) Contains all the sample sources in a self-contained tree
>  -David
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