>  I have a Loop on my page (creates Components from a List ot Objects).
>  Now I have an AjaxFallbackLink on my page. This link adds an Object to
>  my List and as a reaction to this action I want my Loop to be repainted
>  (showing the new object). What must I do? A simple
>  "target.addComponent(Loop.getParent())" has no effect.
>  The Components of the loop are created in the Constructor of the Loop's
>  parent. Do I have to overwrite some "beforeRender" methods? Of course, I
>  took a look at the Wicket In Action book and the Wiki and the List but I
>  did not find a hint. Can anybody help me?

Repainting the loop won't have an effect because it is still the same
instance. If you want to keep using Loop, you'll have to replace it
with a new instance so that it will populate it's child components
based on the model now. Or use RefreshingView (consider using
ReuseIfModelsEqualStrategy if in a form) or ListView with reuseItems
== false.


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