Well, then, as I am a beginner who hasn't worked much with open source,
could you please point me to a reference that explains what a jira issue
is and how to create one?  (I'm guessing that it's an entry into some
sort of bug tracking database.)

Also, by "attaching a quickstart Project" do you mean simply a zipped
archive of a project directory that was created by installing the
quickstart project and minimally modifying it to create a web
application that exhibits the bug?

-----Original Message-----
From: Igor Vaynberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 12:13 PM
To: users@wicket.apache.org
Subject: Re: Bug introduced somewhere after 1.2.2 is still in 1.3.3

On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 10:06 AM, Frank Silbermann
> I wrote earlier about my problems going from Wicket 1.2.2 to Wicket  
> 1.2.6.  This has to do with a RadioGroup component that I built;  
> whenever I used it on more than one page, clicking on one RadioGroup  
> caused the marker to disapper from all the other RadioGroups on the  
> page.
>  I wasn't given much help because Wicket 1.2 is end-of-life.  Today I

> tried the example on Wicked 1.3.3.  I downloaded the QuickStart  
> application for Wicket 1.3.3, installed an upgraded version of my  
> RadioGroup component, modified the home page to show my RadioGroup 
> panel  twice, and the bad behavior is still there.
>  By the way, the only change in the generated HTML that I could see 
> was  that in Wicket 1.2.2 the buttons were defined:
>         <input value="radios:2:radio"  ...etc.
>  -- with the numbers starting over again for each RadioGroup, whereas 
> in  Wicket 1.2.6 and Wicket 1.3.3 it was more like:
>         <input value="radio7"  ...etc.
>  with the numbers _not_ starting over for each RadioGroup.  Clicking 
> on  one radio group causes the marker to disappear from the other 
> radio  group -- as if part of Wicket were treating the buttons as 
> though they  all belonged to the same radio group.
>  I'd like the Wicket 1.3 developers either to fix the bug in a future

> release (after which I'll upgrade my entire application to 1.3), or 
> tell  me what I'm doing wrong.  How do I get the process started?

the usual way, create a jira issue and attach a quickstart project that
demonstrates the problem. than post the jira url back into this thread.
it is not very helpful when you post huge fragments of code and markup
into an email.


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