If I do it using PageParameters then the parameters will be appended to the forms action query string, sure, but the same set of parameters will be appended to both forms on the page, and I would like different parameters for each form.

(also please note that all the elements on the pages are completely stateless)

From: "Martijn Dashorst" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 4:48 PM
To: <users@wicket.apache.org>
Subject: Re: form action

why don't you just store it in the page as properties? Why hidden
fields or page parameters?


On 5/9/08, Joel Halbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does anyone know if there is an easy way of appending page parameters to the action query string of a stateless form without overriding Page.getPageParameters() ?

The reason I would want to do this is if I had two forms on the page and I wanted to hold different state in each form. (I would like to do this without using hidden fields - so as parameters tagged on to the forms action string)



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