My post kind of missed the point, I shouldn't post when I'm already half asleep. :-)

Obviously MarkupContainer<Object> satisfies the MarkupContainer<?> in a method argument, so it accepts the raw type. However, it generates a warning because the method says it's generified, so you should be using the generic type.

Johan Compagner wrote:
I dont care, because i cant do any thing with the ? The only thing it
enforces is that it must now be a generic class which is annoying. Not
to mention that in that area eclipse and javac accept different

The reason it warns you to use generics when generics are wanted is because Sun wants to be able to make it *required* (in a future release) to use generics where generics are wanted; at least, so I read... I think in the real world they wouldn't dare to do this because it would piss off so many users and break so much stuff. :-)

But the idea is that if something is generified you should be using a type parameter, and using a raw type is *purely* for backwards compatibility with legacy code.


So or we in wicket dont use <?> any where and have supress warning
everywhere for that or we do use it and then suddenly it is in my eyes
restricted to much.

I don't understand

On 5/14/08, Sebastiaan van Erk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Johan Compagner wrote:
yes thats the reason

you are calling the method add with a generified component but that
container itself is not generified

i dont like this about generics expecially the onces like this:

add(MarkupContainer<?> container)

then suddenly a none generified component cant be added...
thats really stupid <?> should mean anything.. including none generics
No, that's not correct. For example, List<?> is much more restrictive
than a raw List (which is a List<Object>). To a raw list you can add an
instance of any type whatever, i.e., list.add(new Object()). But in
List<?> the ? is a wildcard which says it could be any type there, i.e.,
it could be a List<Integer>. But you can't add a new Object() to a

Thus MarkupContainer<?> means "MarkupContainer parameterized by some
unknown type", and *not* MarkupContainer parameterized by Object, which
is what the raw type means.



On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 5:55 PM, Stefan Simik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have one idea,

the reason of the warnigs is, that parent of AjaxPagingNavigator is
which has parent Panel ---> that is not parameterized.

The same problem is with LoopItem, which extends the
WebMarkupContainer ---> that is not parameterized.

? could this be the reason ?

Stefan Simik wrote:
Mhmm, it is meaningful ;) I will know in future, thx

One of the last occuring warning is, when working with
MarkupContainer#add(...)  or  #addOrReplace(...)  method.

Example:  I have a simple AjaxPagingNavigator, to which I add a simple
ListView<Integer> menu = new ListView<Integer>("id", numbers){
    //....populate metods
add(menu);        //warning here

The warning says:
"Type safety: The method add(Component...) belongs to the raw type
References to generic type MarkupContainer<T> should be parameterized"

I cannot find out, what's the warning reason, because ListView self is

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