On Mon, 19 May 2008, renaud.houver wrote:
> I have a download picture link which take a bit of time. Result is that the
> user is impatiently clicking several time. I would like to have a kind of
> timer showing process and I tried to use IndicatingAjaxLink which does the
> job. But I cant find out to stream to the outputstream with an ajax link.
> Here is the onClick method with a normal link.That works fine.
> public void onClick()
>       {
>               final byte[] bytes = getDirectDownloadBytes(phot);

Are you streaming the photo directly to the output stream of
the request that came in from clicking the link?

Take on account that in Ajax, the browser does not make a
normal HTTP request, but an XmlHttpRequest from Javascript,
and then expects an XML fragment as a response (a piece of
DOM tree as far as I know). I cannot imagine how could you
transmit an image via Ajax, but if it is possible, please
let me know :) 

In AJAX debug console (shown on the page when running Wicket
in development mode), you can see the requests going in, the
responses coming back, and whether there were errors.

I think that you would be best off by ripping the javascript
of showing the indicator wheel and attaching it to a normal
link instead of an Ajax link.

Best wishes,

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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