
I've just made an upgrade to 1.3-SNAPSHOT. And now I have a problem
with customizing PagingNavigator component, because of moving creation
of components to onBeforeRender() method.
In out navigator we want to hide (remove) some links (eg. first and
last). So I have a constructor like this:

  public FooterPagingNavigator(String id, IPageable pageable) {
    super(id, pageable);

Now the exception is thrown because these links are added in
onBeforeRender(). So I can change our component and move code from
constructor to  onBeforeRender(), but now in this method in
PagingNavigator there is a condition:

  if (get("first") == null)

So each time I remove "first" component the code inside condition will
be called - so exception will be thrown then.
The question is why this condition is in such form:

  if (get("first") == null)

and no like this:

  if (!hasBeenRendered())

Then I will be able to remove components using the same condition.


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