setting the HTTP Content-Disposition may help. The value should be something

attachment; filename=DummyFilename.doc

2008/5/26 Martin Makundi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi!
> I have a web page whose content the user is supposed to save as a
> XYZ.doc file. With Firefox it is sufficient to set the content-type to
> application/msword.
> However, Internet Explorer takes my context path (the part before the
> url parameters) as the filename, say "webapp" and forgets about the
> content type already. Is there a simple way to mount my dnyamic page
> as "DummyFilename.doc"?
> I would rather not use BookmarkablePage because the parameters are
> huge. Ofcourse I could pass the parameters via an internal model, but
> if there is a fast moujnting strategy for a dynamic page, I would be
> interested.
> **
> Martin
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Martijn Lindhout
JointEffort IT Services
+31 (0)6 18 47 25 29

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