I'm using an AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior on a RadioGroup to show/hide a component elsewhere on the page.

This works great in development mode. When I push it up to the server, I get nothing, clicking on the various radio buttons doesn't do anything. And unfortunately, the handy wicket ajax debugger isn't there in deployment mode.

I've looked at the javascript code, and aside from the markup IDs being different, everything looks all right. No javascript errors in FireFox.

I've tried tracing through it in Firebug, but it gets really convoluted. A lot of ajax stuff, doPost() etc. happens. It's hard to get a break point in the callback though.

What are the possible reasons this might work in development but not in deployment?

How can I debug code that's on the server? Is there any way to get the ajax feedback panel to come up on the server?


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