I'm getting a cast exception when I attempt to pull a list element from the model. I may be mishandling how I'm using the model, but this is basically based on several tutorials I've looked at.

(Note, as people have pointed out here, I use the "old fashioned" naming style for my interfaces and DAOs.)

Anyone see a problem with the below code?

public class ShowProtocolsPanel extends Panel {
    private IProtocolDAO dao;

    public ShowProtocolsPanel(String id) {

        IModel protocolsModel = new LoadableDetachableModel() {
            protected Object load() {
                return dao.findAll();

        add(new PropertyListView("eachItem", protocolsModel) {
            protected void populateItem(ListItem item) {
                Protocol protocol = (Protocol) item.getModelObject();

                item.add(new Label("keyword", protocol.getKeyword()));
item.add(new Label("description", protocol.getDescription()));

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