[X] *Can best be done in a limited fashion*, where we only generify
IModel but not components. I care more about what generifying can do
for API clarity (declaring a component to only accept certain models
for instance) than static type checking.
*Reason* - Well, I haven't started working "hard" on 4.1
Were we work we still with the 1.3.3 mostly because they're afraid of the
When I changed to 1.4 in my personal try-out project, I got really confused
and annoyed with the need to add generics to my page, panel etc.
I think that the Model should be generified. It seems logical to me to force
the user to use specific types in the model.

[X] Whatever choice ultimately made, I'll happily convert/ start
using 1.4 and up.
*Reason* - I usually prefer to work with the latest version.

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