Hi all,

  [X] Can best be done in a limited fashion, where we only generify
IModel but not components. I care more about what generifying can do
for API clarity (declaring a component to only accept certain models
for instance) than static type checking.

[X] I might rethink upgrading if my choice doesn't win.

I didn't try wicket 1.4 yet, but I read questions and comments from users in this list. My impression so far has been that there has been a small design mistake in the way the current 1.4 implementation has been done. I perceive that IModel<T> is conceptually correct as a Model can be seen as a container of something (of type T). Writing DropDownChoice<T> is a shortcut that does not seem conceptually correct as in this case, the component is not a container of type T but a container of type IModel<T>. So you should have something like DropDownChoice<IModel<T>> (I know this not valid java). Generifying the Page component is even worse as possibly a page can hold components with different model types and not have a model type on its own. Also, wicket is designed to allow some components not to have model on their own and rely on the model stored in a parent component (very nice and powerful feature).

Please note that using generic this way is already possible with wicket 1.3 if you define an interface that would be for instance IMyModel<T> extends IModel. For instance, I have a generic model defined as DetachableBeanModel<K,T> where K is the key type and T is the bean type. This type is indeed a container of a key element and of a bean element.

I hope it helps,

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