Given the following from the wicket security quickstart (1.3- SNAPSHOT)...

add(new PasswordTextField("password").setOutputMarkupId(false));

glassfish generates the following message....

Couldn't resolve model type of Model:classname=[org.apache.wicket.model.CompoundPropertyModel $ AttachedCompoundPropertyModel ]:nestedModel = [Model:classname =[org.apache.wicket.model.CompoundPropertyModel]:nestedModel=[username = "regular"]] for [MarkupContainer [Component id = password, page =, path = 0:signInPanel:signInForm:password.PasswordTextField, isVisible = true, isVersioned = false]], please set the type yourself.

Not setting the model does not seem to create a problem, but it would seem that the system would prefer that models be set where applicable.

Is that the case? I have to admit, I'm a little anal about clearing all warnings in my apps.

What would an appropriate model be for the above PasswordTextField()?

Models seem to be the most poorly "exampled" Wicket feature, in that examples of Models rarely tell one why they are needed and what role they perform. It's generally, here's an example to make your code work. Clearly, in most cases the model contains the data for the markup. But what would that data be for a PasswordTextField()? One isn't normally going to pre-fill a password field, correct?



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