Jonathan Locke wrote:
in the isVisible impl you could lazy-init cache a transient Boolean until
end request where you set it null.
setters are evil.

..but it's good to have choice. *And* setVisible is not a normal setter, because it returns the component, which makes it easy to add an initially invisible component like: add(new Label("profanity", "[EMAIL PROTECTED]").setVisible(false));

Also, with is/setVisible you van use the component with a propertymodel to have some other component toggle the visibility of another component. This way you have the best of both worlds.

A little off-topic: It scares me a little when core developer make bold statements like: "setters are evil" and "I wouldn't mind final was the default in java". Maybe I'm just being paranoid here...


egolan74 wrote:
Yes but ...
isVisible may be triggered several times, while setVisible should only be
called once (say if I do it only once after creating the component).
Usually I prefer the state driven way, but what if the logic has a lot of

Jonathan Locke wrote:
isVisible is generally better imo because it is state driven.  if you
push instead of pull, the state can get stale.

Matthijs Wensveen
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