On Mon, 16 Jun 2008, Eyal Golan wrote:
> This is a "Best Practice" question.

O-oh :)


> Suppose I have a component and I want to set its visibility according to
> certain parameters.
> Suppose I can do it by overriding the isVisible but I can also use the
> setVisible after creating the constructor.
> Is there a preferable way?

As you can gather from the answers, it really depends,
though you should be well of by starting with the
consideration of overriding isVisible().

Our current project has a lot of components that disappear
and reappear and we have tried a lot of different ways of
visibility control. Many cases we can handle cleanly by
overriding isVisible(), but sometimes it gets so
complicated or has so many dependencies to other components
that it isn't practicable. Then we have gone with setting
the visibility explicitly case by case. We have extensive
unit tests anyway so things keep more or less under control,
although having stale state is a real danger.

A typical corner case where using the setter seems to make
sense to me is when you make a panel visible by pressing a
button (e.g. to create a new domain object) but the same
panel is then made invisble by a lot of different actions 
which take the focus out of the panel.

Best wishes,

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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