Hey, Igor,

> > Problem: when submitting a form, the URL shows up as something like:
> >
> >   http://localhost:8080/?wicket:interface=:0:1:::
> >
> > This works behind the firewall, but will not work from outside.
> >
> >
> > Is my only solution to use bookmarkable pages (with all the implications
> > of parsing parameters manually)?

> solution is to either fix the firewall or use a /foo/* mapping

Well, that would be difficult for various reasons. I assume you mean
a /foo/* mapping for the servlet filter, right?

So, you are saying that the only possible solutions are:

1. Allow proxying on null path (not possible for me)

2. Change the wicket instance mapping to /foo/* from /*
     (possible, but not what I want)

3. Use bookmarkable pages with all the trouble of parsing
     (want to avoid if possible)

And there are no other possible solutions? Or is there something
somewhere I can fiddle with so I can change the way the URL is rendered
for the form, in the spirit of MixedURLParamCodingStrategy or something?


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