I'm not very eager about this. The interface listeners URLs are quite
long, why making them even longer while bringing no additional
benefit? Also are you sure thath your patch won't break under any
circumstances relative urls? It took us a while to get relative URLs
working reliably, I wouldn't want to see that break just for the sake
of adding mount point to listener interface urls.

Also there is a complete rewrite of URL handling planned for 1.5 which
will allow much better control over URL generation and bookmarkability
in Wicket.


On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 4:21 PM, Peter Ertl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> However this will not be true if you change the render strategy *imho*
> getRequestCycleSettings().setRenderStrategy(IRequestCycleSettings.ONE_PASS_RENDER)
> +1 for applying the patch as it's not only a matter of correctness but also
> of taste
> Am 02.07.2008 um 16:06 schrieb Johan Compagner:
>> what does it matter how the urls that are inside the html look like?
>> Its all about how the urls look like in the browsers url bar right?
>> On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 6:59 AM, David Leangen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> once again, i dont see what this offers over the hybrid strategy.
>>> Maybe you can correct me if I'm wrong here...
>>> The hybrid stategy is only applied when the target is an
>>> IBookmarkablePageRequestTarget. So, for normal bookmarkable pages, there
>>> is no problem, like you say.
>>> The issue only arises when a page is mounted, but is used in a stateful
>>> way (for example it has a form or something). In that case, the target
>>> becomes an IListenerInterfaceRequestTarget. When this is the case, the
>>> hybrid strategy is not used. This is the case that the patch is intended
>>> for.
>>> -dml-
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