wicket doesnt care about the markup type in general, it works on xml.

however, header contributions are special because they are
html-specific so it is assumed that if you use header contributions
you are working with html. seems like a resonable approach from our
end of things.

i would say just run it through xslt to transform it to whatever you need.


On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 8:53 AM, Carlos Pita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm looking for a fine and dandy (or just fine) way to create widgets
> for igoogle, facebook and others. I would like to reuse our wicket
> components and pages because the widgets are not that different from
> our site but a shrunk version of it. The main problem I'm facing is
> that wicket output seems to unavoidably consist of html (with
> corresponding head and body tags) while widgets are required to
> conform to different syntaxes by their respective hosts in order to be
> embedded. Is there a way to generate xml so that stylesheets and
> javascript appear inside the main tag, this being an arbitrarily
> chosen one, other than postprocessing the html output? Another more
> general way to put the question is if there is a way to produce a more
> or less arbitrary xml from the markup templates. But I guess the
> answer is no because of how wicket components handle header tags (js,
> css contributions). In that case, what would you recommend? A
> postprocessing behavior?
> Thank you in advance
> Best regards
> -Carlos
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