On Jul 9, 2008, at 6:52 AM, greeklinux wrote:


I do not know if it helps:

Can you read the CSV file as Resource, get the IResourceStream, then
getInputStream() on IResourceStream and put this inputStream in a

Yeah, that's basically where I am. I thought maybe there was a way to simplify the process.

Here's what I've have...

IResourceStream resStream = new PackageResourceStream(WicketApplication.class, "protocols.csv");
InputStream inStream = resStream.getInputStream();
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(inStream);
List<String[]> protocolList = new CSVReader(isr).readAll();

I could collapse this a bit, but I need to keep hold of IResourceStream so that I can close it after the CSVReader.readAll() call.


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