
A quick mail to many thanks to the Wicket community for all it's support in helping us to launch a new social news and bookmarking site, www.roo10.com .

In addition to saying that the framework itself was fun and easy to work with, a few comments on our experience of using Wicket to build a web app...

Roo10.com uses stateless pages in its entirety, and so although it doesn't leverage some of Wickets most advanced features, we still found that there was tremendous value in using a component based web framework, in both developer productivity and code maintainability. The site is running on Wicket 1.3.3, Tomcat 6, mysql + linux, and although for the time being it is running on prehistoric vm hardware (1.2GHz, 128M (with no swap!)) we still managed to benchmark a reasonable 50 page requests/sec peak, with an easily sustained throughput of 10/sec. Something else we found over time was that more often than not there was already a component available or hook in the right place within Wicket to allow you to achieve most tasks. So, for example, getting an RSS feed up and running really was a moments work.

So, a big thumbs up for the framework, and many thanks to the community for patiently answering many questions, if anyone has any comments or questions we'd be happy to hear from them.

Rich & Joel

For those who wish to find out a little more about the site there is a faq here : http://www.roo10.com/ratings/faq

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