I am trying to rewrite an HTML form "action" attribute (for a
non-Wicket form) inside a Wicket Panel and could use some help.

While converting a large webapp to Wicket, I created a Panel to wrap a
search form.  The form processing is not handled by Wicket yet.  So in
my SearchPanel.html, I have something like this:

    <form method="get" action="search.do">
    <a href="search.do">Advanced Search</a>

The "Advanced Search" href is automatically prefixed with the correct
number of "../" strings by RelativePathPrefixHandler, but the form
action is not rewritten.

Is adding a new IMarkupFilter (based on RelativePathPrefixHandler) to
handle the "action" attribute rewriting a good option?  Or is there a
better way?

My first attempt was using a wicket:message for the action along with
getRelativePathPrefixToContextRoot() inside SearchPanel.java to set
the message.  That turned out to be more complicated than I
expected...but mostly because I was not able to find a simple hook
into the message lookup from the SearchPanel class to set the message
text.  (Putting the URL in SearchPanel.properties worked fine but did
not allow for dynamically prefixing the action URL based on the
request URL.)

Any ideas on how to best handle this scenario would be much
appreciated.  Thanks!


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