
Thanks a lot, Erik!

-- Edvin

Erik van Oosten skrev:
Perhaps my non versioned HybridUrlEncoding strategy is something for you:


Edvin Syse wrote:
The client can't live with the url's created by
HybridUrlEncodingStrategy. They are dead set on that arguments in the
url should be appended with ?, not dot. Conventionally, dots does not
denote arguments, and I must agree that he has a point.

I think everyone would agree that keeping the bookmarkable part of the
url adds value, so I must ask - is there a technical or otherwise good
reason not to include it? As long as the current behaviour is the
default for bookmarkable pages, it will degrade the user experience
for everyone using it, and it seems this could be easily fixed..

-- Edvin
Erik van Oosten

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