There should be a method that you can overwrite(although not so pretty but it should work), there were that for the YUI rich editor...

Karen Schaper wrote:

I've switched to using the YuiMenuBar in wicket stuff from directly using
the Yui javascript.

The YuiMenuBar automatically adds this javascript...

var oMenu = new YAHOO.widget.MenuBar("webMenuBar",
{visible:true,clicktohide:false,autosubmenudisplay: true,
hidedelay: 750, lazyload: true});

I need it to look like this?

var oMenuBar = new YAHOO.widget.MenuBar( "webMenubar",
                                             { autosubmenudisplay:false,
hidedelay:750, lazyload:true } );

I need to set the autosubmenudisplay to false.  This way the user can
actually click on the menu... at least I'm pretty sure that is what will



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