  In my web application I realized form submiting by AjaxButtons. This wokrs 
great. I love the possibility to refresh just part of my page after submiting 
the form. Then  I decided to refactor my webapp tu use AjaxSubmitLink because I 
want to use some images and texts instead of buttons.
  This works too, but one thing make me confused. When I was using buttons I 
can submit my forms just by pressing the enter key, but with AjaxSubmitlink 
this  feathure does not work. 
  I try to debug it and get this results. When I use buttons and press enter, 
Wicket call onSubmit method implemented by AjaxButton, but when I use 
AjaxSubmitLinks and press enter, wicket call onSubmit method on the form not on 
the link.

Why? Has it some purpose, should I use AjaxSubmitLinks by another way, or it is 
some bug?
Thanks for any response.


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