> what happens after your page is serialized and deserialized, then dao > is null...

The dao field is supposed to be initialized again in the class constructor.

Igor Vaynberg wrote:
what happens after your page is serialized and deserialized, then dao is null...


On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 12:09 PM, Sasha Ovsankin
The problem is keeping a reference to the service.
Right, actually I skipped the "transient" keyword I use in my code:

       class MyPage {
          transient MyDAO dao= Locator.find("myDAO", MyDAO.class);

"transient" prevents the field from being serialized.

You might be good
enough to understand that, but how good do you trust your co-workers,
and even new members joining your team?
So, I will have to tell them to use the above pattern, just like telling
them to use @SpringBean?

Regardless, it seems that every engineer working with Wicket have to hit
their "serialization bump" one day, as you hint in your book. We'll find out

Thanks for the book by the way. It made me go much faster.

Martijn Dashorst wrote:
Did you read http://cwiki.apache.org/WICKET/spring.html and see why
@SpringBean is important?

The problem is keeping a reference to the service. You might be good
enough to understand that, but how good do you trust your co-workers,
and even new members joining your team?


On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 8:23 PM, Sasha Ovsankin
Dear All --

I was having an issue with @SpringBean injection -- my dao class was not
initialized properly with the dependent beans. I spent some time
internals of CGLib and Spring Injections and then a thought struck me:
really helpful is this injection?

Consider this code:

      class MyPage extends Page {
         MyDAO dao;

vs. this code:

      class MyPage {
         MyDAO dao= Locator.find("myDAO", MyDAO.class);

The Locator is a  pretty straightforward guy who pulls ApplicationContext
out of thin air^^^^^ThreadLocal variable and looks up on it, see the
code below.

The former uses annotations, CGLIB and delicate injection. The latter
nothing and is a lot simpler and robust. Aside from marginal savings in
typing I couldn't find any advantages of the former approach. Can you?

Unless convinced otherwise, I am going to skip the @SpringBean altogether
and use the Locator thing in my application.

-- Sasha

public abstract class Locator {

      abstract Object find(String name);

      static Locator locator= null;

      public static Locator register(Locator inLocator) {
              Locator result= locator;
              locator= inLocator;
              return result;

      public static class SpringLocator extends Locator {
              ApplicationContext context=
              Object find(String name) {
                      return context.getBean(name);

      /** To be called in the application initialization */
      public static void registerSpringLocator() {
              register(new SpringLocator());

      /** Use for unit tests */
      public static class MockLocator extends Locator {
              Object find(String name) {
                      // TODO implement
                      return null;

      public static<T> T find(String name, Class<T> clazz) {
              Object found= locator.find(name);
              if (found==null)
                      return null;
              return clazz.cast(found);

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