

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 6:11 PM, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi, i see this error message a lot and i mean really a lot!  i use a
> lot of ListViews, and the above error message is what you get when you
> forget to add to the ListItem and instead add to the
> PropertyListView...
> add(new PropertyListView("a_list") {
>        @Override
>        protected void populateItem(final ListItem item) {
>                add(new Label("name"));
>                add(new Label("oops_forgot_the_item"));
>        }
> });
> i want to ask is there ever a situation when you want to add a
> component to the PropertyListView or is it always illegal?
> basically... i would guess lots of people make the same mistake and
> see the same error... i'm not suggesting automatically adding the
> component to the ListItem but if there's no reason to add a component
> to the PropertyListView i wanted to ask if this mistake is common
> enough to warrant adding a specific error message for it?
> john
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