francisco treacy wrote:
without bells and whistles, i'd like to announce the availability of
gluw, a utility library to "glue" wicket together with a persistence
stack (guice+salve+warp+neodatis odb).

the idea is to allow for rapid prototype development in a DDD fashion,
because after setup you should be able to get going really fast.

i tested it in two or three of my projects and it seems to work fine
(also with wicket quickstart - no probs so far). if you're willing to
give it a shot let me know your impressions. i must say that it is
quite experimental for the moment -- mainly because of neodatis object
database integration.

nino, do you still think we could make this fit in wicket-iolite or
some other sort of maven archetype?
Yes defiantly. The idea with Iolite are that it somehow should encapsule an embrella of different approaches, and gluw are defiantly one..
 (btw, sorry guys, i'll be
mavenizing the project soon; there are perhaps too many libraries to
handle manually).


On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 1:32 PM, francisco treacy
i opened up a googlecode account, where i'll be hosting the project. i
need to write some more tests, sort out a configuration issue and
polish it up. then i will do the first commit.

btw i chose a random name: gluw (pronunced 'glue' and meaning sth like
"glue for wicket") because it's all about that :) , there's no code available yet though.

i'll keep you updated. cheers,


On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 8:48 AM, Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael

No great names pop to my mind now:(

francisco treacy wrote:
when i'm finished with neodatis integration, i'll open source the
whole thing (really small though). we could then create a
wicket-iolite archetype. i'll check if all the dependencies are
available in public maven repos.

i'll keep you updated. i'm looking for a name for this thing... have
already 2 or 3 but suggestions are welcome :)


On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 1:54 AM, Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael

Really great, now we just need it to get packed with Wicket iolite:)

francisco treacy wrote:

hi guys,

i started to work on a little utility to glue some libraries that i
already use with wicket. they became a standard stack when i develop
applications: these are guice, salve, warp-persist and neodatis odb.

this utility is meant to work with wicket, so i thought it would be
nice to add some wicket-specific functionality like databinder does,
for example.

just a simple library to bootstrap with wicket, providing
out-of-the-box dependency injection, transactions and persistence to
your domain classes. i imagine neodatis could be easily replaced with
any other database, thanks to warp-persist's pluggable persistence

perhaps somebody else is using the same technologies and finds this
idea worthwhile. more here:

let me know what you think -- even if it's complete nonsense :)  thanks!


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-Wicket for love

Nino Martinez Wael
Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
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-Wicket for love

Nino Martinez Wael
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-Wicket for love

Nino Martinez Wael
Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
+45 2936 7684

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