Hi all,

I've a problem with Forms and ModalWindows.

I have this stuff:
-a page with a main Form (the only one that is rendered as an HTML form tag)
-this my only page, since all inside it is changed by replacing panels using
-inside some other levels of panels, i have a panel with my content (let me
call it myContentPanel), which has its own (sub) Form (which is rendered as
a div).
-myContentPanel has some controls... TextFields, DropDownChoices,
-myContentPanel has also a link that opens a ModalWindow.
-the ModalWindow has its own Form with components, and an AjaxSubmitLink to
close it.

Now the problem...
1- I enter to myContentPanel and enter some values in the components.
2- I press the link to open the ModalWindow.
3- I work with the ModalWindow, then press an AjaxSubmitLink to close it.
4- When refreshing myContentPanel, the values in some controls is lost:
CheckBoxes, DropDownChoices, but NOT in TextFields.

After some investigation, this is what i've discovered:
-on step 3 (accept and close the ModalWindow), the AjaxSubmitLink calls
(javascript) wicketSubmitFormById passing the ModalWindow's form as
-this processes the ModalWindow's form and prepares the values to be sent to
wicket side.
-but when i see the url, it mentions that the form that will be used for the
HTTP request is the page's form (because it's the only real form, i think
this is normal).
-on wicket side, the request processing calls Form#onFormSubmitted, which
calls #inputChanged, which calls a visitor visiting all components... in the
main form!
-this ends up calling FormComponent#inputChanged on the CheckBoxes,
DropDownChoices, TextFields that where in myContentPanel (also for the
controls in the ModalWindow, but that's no surprise).
-given that the javascript only prepared the data for the ModalWindow's
form, the values for the components in myContentPanel is empty.
-looking deeper in #inputChanged, getInputAsArray() gives null for the
components in myContentPanel.
-then, since CheckBox and DropDownChoice answer true to isInputNullable()
(default in FormComponent), the rawInput is set to null, even if i didn't
touch the CheckBoxes/DropDownChoices at all in this call (then losing the
previous value: NO_RAW_INPUT).
-on step 4, when the CheckBox/DropDownChoice wants to get rendered again,
onComponentTag calls FormComponent#getValue, which if
(NO_RAW_INPUT.equals(rawInput)) uses the Model to get the value (what i
would expect), but in my case returns the rawInput (null... ouch).

I have fixed it temporaly by overriding isInputNullable in my
CheckBoxes/DropDownChoice, but i understand that this is not a very good

Some doubts that remain:
-is there anything wrong with my structure of forms and panels, which is
actually producing these side effects?
-if only the values for ModalWindow form are sent to the server, why the is
onFormSubmitted called on the main page form?
-the javadoc in isInputNullable is not very clear for me... do i break
something else if i override isInputNullable answering false?

Thanks in advance,


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