Hi, I have a Modal Window that uses a page. I want that when the user presses OK in the page, there will be a navigation to a new page and the modal window will be closed. The navigation should be not in the modal window but in the original page itself. Here's what I did: In the page that is the content of the window: EurekifyAjaxButton okButton = new EurekifyAjaxButton("ok") { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@Override protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) { super.onError(target, form); target.addComponent(feedbackPanel); } @Override protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) { *window.setReportSrcUrl(getParametersPairsForReport(), getReportName());* window.close(target, true); } }; In the window: public final void setReportSrcUrl(Map<String, String> parametersPairsForReport, String reportName) { if (reportPage == null) { reportPage = new ReportPage(this, link); reportPage.setReportSrcUrl(parametersPairsForReport, reportName); setResponsePage(reportPage); } else { reportPage.setReportSrcUrl(parametersPairsForReport, reportName); } } Where reportPage is a class member. I thought about keeping a reference to the page where the link that opened the popup was. And then do the setResponsePage on it. Is there a nicer way? -- Eyal Golan [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit: http://jvdrums.sourceforge.net/ LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/egolan74 P Save a tree. Please don't print this e-mail unless it's really necessary