On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 9:48 PM, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> read my email, i said it is possible without salve. salve just makes
> it easier by letting you put the annotation on any method of any
> class.

Ok, the Spring annotations/aspects do have a limitation that they need
to be on at least protected methods, I think.

> salve ships with 3 instrumentation options. there is the agent for
> load time weaving, a maven2 plugin for compile time weaving, and an
> eclipse plugin for dev time weaving.

Cool.  So, why doesn't Salve just use aspects and AspectJ to achieve
what it wants (AspectJ supports the same 3 instrumentation options)?
Did you write your own instrumentation?  Do you not like the
syntax/architecture of AspectJ?  Just curious.  I'm all about writing
stuff my own way. :)

> i have also recently added something cool for wicket - expression
> checking. if you use salve's contract instrumentor you can have it
> validate property expressions, so you can do
> new PropertyModel(contact, new PE(Contact.class,
> "address.street1").toString()) and get an instrumentation, read
> compile, time error if there is no contact.getaddress().getstreet1().
> doesnt refactor like the proxy idea but is also much more light weight
> and works on map and list properties.

That is pretty cool!

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