On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 6:04 PM, Justin Morgan - Logic Sector <

> Create a custom Wicket session subclass that holds your portal:
> public class MySession extends WebSession {
>    private Portal      _portal;
>    public MySession(Request request) {
>        super(request);
>        LOGGER.debug("Instantiated");
>        _portal = new Portal();
>    }
>    public Portal getPortal() { return _portal; }
>    public void setPortal(Portal portal) { _portal = portal; }
> }
> Somewhere in your "normal" page:
> ((MySession) getSession()).setPortal(myPortal);
> Somewhere in your PageExpiredPage:
> Portal myPortal = ((MySession) getSession()).getPortal();
> In your Wicket Application subclass:
>    /** @see org.apache.wicket.Application#newSession(Request, Response) */
>    @Override
>    public Session newSession(Request request, Response response) {
>        return new MySession(request);
>    }
> Best regards,
> Justin

Thanks! But i thought that the Session will be invalide when the PageExpired
Error comes? Isn't that true? If not so, than your approach will be very

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