
I have an AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable table and I am using an 
AjaxLazyLoadPanel when rendering this table. When I click the AjaxButton the 
table lazy loads.

To summarize (in short) I have a AjaxButton that when clicked the onSubmit() 
method creates the AjaxLazyLoadPanel, the AjaxLazyLoadPanel's 
getLazyLoadComponent() method returns the AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable table. 
Therefore the AjaxLazyLoadPanel renders as the AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable 

The table lazy loads correctly, but when I click on a column in order to sort 
it or click on the page navigation links, I get the following error:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Ajax render cannot be called on component that 
has setRenderBodyOnly enabled.
Component id = content, page = 
za.co.transactionjunction.transpector.pages.TransactionQueryPage, path = 

Where transactions is the AjaxLazyLoadPanel.

Am I missing something? Please help.

Yazeed Isaacs

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