Timo -

Thanks for your response.

I did use a PatternValidator alone in my first approach, but while I
could verify that '123-45-6789' was a legitimate SSN, what I wanted to
additionally do was fill in my model object's string with '123456789'.
 Now, if the setSsn() in the model object needs to incorporate this
behavior, I can live with that, but I thought it would be cleaner to
convert to/from the model using a custom converter.

Here is the full text (sans imports) of the SsnTextField:

public class SsnTextField<T> extends TextField<T>
        static Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\d{3})[ \\-]*(\\d{2})[
        public SsnTextField(String id)
                this(id, null);

        public SsnTextField(String id, IModel<T> object)
                super(id, object);
                add(new PatternValidator(pattern));

        public final IConverter<String> getConverter(Class type)
                return new IConverter<String>()

                        public String convertToObject(String value, Locale 
                                String result = "";
                                result = value.substring(0, 3) + "-" + 
value.substring(3, 5) + "-"
+ value.substring(5, 8);
                                return result;

                        public String convertToString(String value, Locale 
                                String result = "";
                Matcher fit = pattern.matcher(value);
                        for(int index = 1; index <= fit.groupCount(); index++)
                                result += fit.group(index);
                                return result;



On 10/7/08, Timo Rantalaiho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 07 Oct 2008, Steve Thompson wrote:
>> I'm attempting to create a custom validator for social security number
>> strings.  I've got the following code for this:
> ...
>>      public final IConverter<String> getConverter(Class type)
> Are you overriding getConverter?
> For custom validation, your better off using validators
> rather than converter for that. Check out the form
> validation examples.
> Basically your approach should work as well, it's just
> weird design to do validation in conversion, especially as
> your IConverter returns Strings and not ready-made
> SocialSecurityNumbers. But we'd need to see more code to be
> able to help debugging it. Make sure that your form
> component gets submitted.
> Best wishes,
> Timo
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